24 December 2007

22 December 2007

Listening to...

I was recently introduced to the music of Andy MCKee, and have been extolling his musical virtuosity to friends, at every opportunity.

Well, I have again been introduced to another fine guitarist, 0ne Erik Mongrain. Using the miracle that is the interwebnetland, I could track down his latest album, "Fates", on iTunes, buy it and have it playing on my iPod without even having to leave my chair. The whole album is a pleasure to listen to but the stand out track for me is "Airtap!"

Here is a video of him playing this very song on YouTube...

19 December 2007

Bumper Sticker Wednesday

18 December 2007

Houston Texas toilet...

You have to be confident that this one way glass really is one way if you use this public convenience....

15 December 2007

Isn't it...

These sketches in the current series of Armstrong & Miller are such a good parody of the youth of today - I was stood in a queue today and there were two teenage lads behind me talking like this.

More worrying, I am told that they write this way too....

12 December 2007

Bumper Sticker Wednesday

11 December 2007

Fuel price protests again?...

The price across the UK for unleaded fuel has finally topped the £1 a litre mark. It has been that for diesel for a few weeks now, and in some areas unleaded had already exceeded the £1 mark, but with the price for a barrel of oil reaching $97 unleaded has caught up.

£1 a litre - that's £4.54 a gallon (almost $9.50).

Out of that £1/litre VAT takes 14.9p, duty 50.4p, production and delivery about 31p and the retailer gets about 4p.

Seems like we might be seeing the masses actually rising up again. The latest 'pressure group' Transaction-2007 have announced protests for 15th December 2007. Why do I get the feeling that any attempts by them to blockade refineries will find their way blockaded by the boys in blue?

Hopefully this will remind the UK motorist once again that they are being ripped off at the pumps by this government.

More fuel us eh?.......

06 December 2007

Pixelmator 1.1 Kitten

Pixelmator have released 1.1 Kitten and I have downloaded the trial version.

It certainly seems more stable than the previous version I tried recently.
No more spinning beachball or other bugs from what I can see.

Fingers crossed that this will do all the things I expected Photoshop Elements to do on my iMac or could do, until I installed Leopard...

05 December 2007

Bumper Sticker Wednesday

03 December 2007

Wot no urchins?

Went to a Dickensian style Christmas market yesterday. Not sure what I expected but it was just like the normal market with the stall holders wearing Victorian costumes.

Did I expect to see barefoot street urchins picking a pocket or two? Fagin like characters lurking in the shadows?

Soot blackened young boys with a chimney sweep looking for a flue to clean?

02 December 2007

Musical pins

Seems my little map widget has decided that it would move the 'pins' around a bit in the space of a few minutes. One minute it looked like the image above then it was all change!

The image above was taken on the 28th November and as expected the UK has a fair cluster (me, obviously) but some locations have now disappeared and others have taken their place.

Amung new locations are Chaoyang CN, Ulaanbaatar MN, Brasil and Warsaw PL. Compare the current widget locations to the screenshot and you'll see the difference.

Pleasanton in California has the biggest number of visitors (44). I wonder if this map belongs to someone from there?

So, have I got someone else's widget?

Have you got mine? 

If so can I have mine back please?..... 

01 December 2007

New Media Douchebags

Having seen this video on YouTube, I have to say the nail has been hit squarely on it's head.

I'll say no more for now....

(Thanks, J)


PPX has existed for a whole month today.

A small milestone but thought it worthy of a small celebration.

Oh, and "Pinch Punch..."