30 July 2010
16 July 2010
Flushed down the drain...
I deleted my Facebook account at the end of May. I was getting fed up with the Twitter like outpourings of some of those in my friends list. And we know what I think of Twitter...
Seeing the Raoul Moat tribute page debacle unfold I'm glad I am no longer an account holder. The 'groups' that sprang up for the most pathetic cause célèbre exposed the dross of society.
Now we have the cretins who hail Moat as a legend and see him as some sort of modern day Robin Hood. He was a violent bully who shot dead one man, shot his ex, then shot a policeman in the face, blinding him for life. Not a legend.
This group, and the ones that have appeared since the original was closed, is like a fresh turd. It attracts the flies that swarm all over it in a frenzy - eventually the turd dries up and the flies go off to find another place to lay their eggs (or post their idiotic views).
While the internet is a good thing most of the time, every now and again this new media/social network crap bubbles up like effluent from a blocked drain...
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13 July 2010
Goodbye i(P)OS4...
I have had enough.
My iPhone 3G has been pretty much fecked since I uploaded i(P)OS4 to it. Lost a couple of apps (Qik Video being one of them) and the benefits (if there were any) of the two "improvements" (mail and folders) that i(P)OS4 brought over the OS3 are certainly not enough for me to keep this updated software on my iPhone.
So today I am following the tutorial over on TiPb.com on how to downgrade your iPhone from i(P)OS4.
I am sure there are many iPhone users completely happy with i(P)OS4 but this one isn't. Hopefully a smooth downgrade will be possible.
Thanks Apple.....
Downgrade/backdate/reversion, or whatever you wish to call it, went fine - the phone is back to being as quick as it ever was prior the mistake of updating to iOS4. Apps open almost immediately and writing an email is back to being lag-free.
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This is NOT a crèche....
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07 July 2010
Neat art...
While I have resisted the urge or temptation to spend yet more money on some latest Apple 'must-have' gadget my interest is now and again piqued when I see some users making use of the iPad as a new form of art tablet.
One such example is Goro Fujita.
For now, no iPad for me....
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