16 January 2009

The Cavalry?

I snapped this picture on Saturday as the Don't Bomb The BART demo made it's way along Market St before turning down 4th.

Hidden up an alley opposite the hotel were these cops on trail bikes - for some reason the image of the US Cavalry waiting to head the injuns off at the pass came into my head!...

Thieves Standing Around

So, one of my bags must have been searched by the TSA on the way home. Items of toiletries had gone missing from a bag when I unpacked on getting home. No notice left in bag to show it had been searched. The bag was fitted with one of those combination TSA approved padlocks.
A USB cable for the Just Mobile Gum Pro battery pack I picked up in SF had vanished from the same bag. Do the TSA people just tip the contents out, kick it around a bit then put some back?
I have written an email to the TSA to complain but I'm not holding out hope for a reply...
Maybe TSA stands for Taking Stuff Arbitrarily?...

10 January 2009

Don't bomb the BART demo...

A large protest on Saturday - the anti-Israeli/US Gaza demo joined up with the protest about a youth who was shot by the BART police up in Oakland.

A new era?

Macworld has gone out with a whimper. So many companies seem to be saying that next year they will be staying away. Is MWSF going to go the same way as Paris and London?
It may survive by becoming smaller, and filling the black hole left in the middle of the main hall by the departure of Apple, with all the z-lister companies who are normally relegated to the North Hall. Adapt or die?

Guess we'll have to see but I suspect this may be my last trip to SF.....

08 January 2009


Homeless guy with sign, "My wife has been kidnapped. I just need 99c
more to pay the ransom. "

05 January 2009

9am demo in a drizzly SF...

"Stop the bombing in Gaza!"...

I have to wonder if they are demonstrating in Gaza to ask Hamas to stop firing rockets at the Israelis? From my viewpoint I have to say that it goes both ways.
But then that's the great thing about living in a democracy guys - you get to shout your slogans, march along busy main streets and carry your banners with a police escort ensuring you are free to protest.

Some places the police would be beating your head to a bloody pulp with your own banner poles!...


Off the plane and first stop after hotel? Yep, good ol' Beard Papa for one of their Vanilla Bean Cream Puffs....

...well, two actually!

04 January 2009

03 January 2009

At the airport...

Sitting in my room after a few beers and a burger in the hotel bar. Managed to configure the MacBook to work with the T-Mobile 3G modem I bought a while back. Speed seems to be reasonable now that I am in a 3G area and the laptop has a USB 2.0 port to plug it into (old iBook didn't, so couldn't test it fully before)
Flight tomorrow to SF so time to get the old noggin down so I can rise early for the shuttle bus to the terminal...

02 January 2009

Packing apathy...

Sitting here looking at a pile of clothes, two cases and I just have no enthusiasm for packing today.

Better do something before tomorrow though!!