12 November 2008

Find .co.uk

Found this tip elsewhere - if you hold down the .com key you will be presented with other country domain options if you have your keyboard preferences set to UK English.

Dry Starbucks...

Called into my local and looks like the message about water waste has
filtered down from on high....
...the 'dipper well' was dry. No taps were running at all behind the counter. Coffee tasted just the same and so far I have not keeled over with some horrendous form of food poisoning...

07 November 2008

obama - Obama x

Seems that the iPhone has "Obama" in it's spell correction list - type "obama" and it suggests "Obama"...

05 November 2008

EasyWriter app...

At last I can type on my iPhone with a bit more ease than I could
before. I have grabbed the EasyWriter app from the App Store which
allows typing in landscape mode. For a short time it is available for
free and while it is only really meant to be used for email there is
no reason why it can't be used for other writing tasks.
One aspect of the app is that anything being worked on is saved until
it is sent to the mail app. So if you have to take a call you can be
safe in the knowledge that it will still be there when your call is

Next to easyWriter in the screengrab is another free (for now) app from Griffin Technology - iTalk - I have tried this app out and the quality of the recordings seems to be pretty good. I also downloaded the iTalk Sync app for my desktop Mac and syncing witht he iPhone is quick with a drag and drop file transfer function.

Guess Obama won then?......

US 08 Election Results