15 June 2008

Highway robbery....

The local Dick Turpin has his prices 7p a litre higher than the Shell pumps 500m along the road.

That's £6.26 a gallon...

Just put a gun in my face and ask me to hand over my wallet...

BP - Blatant Profiteering...

13 June 2008

Éire says FU to EU...

"Voters in Ireland have rejected the European Union's Lisbon reform treaty in a referendum by 53.4% to 46.6%.

The vote is a major blow to leaders in the 27-nation EU, which requires all its members to ratify the treaty. Only Ireland has held a public vote.

The European Commission says nations should continue to ratify the treaty, designed to streamline decision-making."


Why won't the politicians get it into their thick heads the people don't trust the EU.

At least the Irish got the chance to tell the EU to feck off - something Brown and Nu Labour have denied the UK even though they promised a referendum in their manifesto.



11 June 2008



The fashion trend known as sagging...

You look stupid wearing your jeans around your knees - I don't want to see your underwear as you walk down the street. This guy walked across the town carpark the other day and had to pull his jeans up every ten paces. WHAT IS THE POINT? You look stupid...

This trend was supposed to originate in US prison where inmates had no belts to hold their trousers up. It was then adopted by the hip hop culture.
Why not just wear orange prison jumpsuits or clothing with "Inmate" on it?

Who turned out the lights....

I have decided to stump up for a UPS for my iMac.
We had a power cut again the other day and of course the iMac was on at the time. Having had to go through the issues of the machine shutting down randomly and back and forth to Apple for repair I have had enough.
I am pretty certain that the whole problem started after several power outages in January had hit the area. That, and the problem finally being fixed after Apple fitted a new power supply to the machine, seem to point to something damaging the PS.
It's my theory and I'm sticking with it.

So I have just ordered an APC BACK-UPS RS 800 - I figure that will give me a bit of leeway for getting a bigger desktop machine at a later date.

03 June 2008

On my iPod:

"Asleep At Heaven's Gate" by Rogue Wave...

Wake up and smell the caffeine...

Stumbled across this useful little application - Caffeine
I often watch TV on my iMac and get a little fed up with having to move the mouse every 15 minutes to keep the screensaver from kicking in.

I guess I could go into System Preferences and adjust the screensaver and power saving settings but this little app suspends all of these with a click of an icon in the menu bar.

Gets ★★★★★ from me...