28 May 2008
26 May 2008
UnBearable Pt II - just the bear fiction...
Turns out old Bear Grylls has been less than truthful. He apparently often stays in hotels while shooting his "survival" series. Guess you can survive anything with a hot shower, mini bar and room service...
Also situations are 'set up' by the crew to demonstrate some techniques for "survival".
Funnily enough Ray Mears was asked in an interview (Radio Times) about the Bear fiction (as opposed to the bare facts...)
D0 you watch Bear Grylls for tips?
Ha ha ha ha ha [laughs for about a minute]. Do I look for tips from Bear Grylls? Yes - on how not to make television programmes! As far as I am concerned, these people are just showmen. I think the viewer knows that if you want to really know how to take care of yourself in the wild, I'm the person to talk to.
Did you laugh out loud when you heard that Bear Grylls had been caught "surviving" in a motel?
Yeah. You can take short cuts if you want, but we never have. I've had many arguments with the directors, telling them, "We do it the right way or not at all". That caused a problem in the old days, but now directors see what happens if you cheat. It's a sad indictment of the world we live in that television wants that kind of hype. And it's crap television. When people break those rules and think it's Ok to dress the stage a little bit, that spoils the whole thing. I think that's an abuse of a powerful medium.
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07 May 2008
Mac is back...
26 May 08
So my iMac has been back and forth like a fiddler's wrist - no fault could be found after the last time in. Got it home and within two days it was back in the Apple Store.
They replaced the logic board - #2 - and told me it was sorted.
Got it home and sure as eggs are eggs it died on me halfway through restoring from my Time Machine back up. Not once but twice. Then it died as I tried to get the install disc out.
So next day back to the Apple Store and thankfully it displayed the issue right there on the Genius Bar. As their computer system was down (Ehhh?) they could not check to se if they had a power supply in stock (next thing to check). So it was left and I came home.
Today I get call saying they had a PS in stock it had been fitted and the Mac ran all night with no issues. It apparently died several times while they were trying to install software/run the ASD tools.
Hopefully I will be back on iMac tomorrow and that will be the end of it....
7 May 08
iMac is sick again - it has developed a tendency to turn off again. So it's off to the Apple Store this time...
Thankfully after reinstalling Leopard it is still switching itself off. Halfway through installing the updates to Leopard it decided to save electricity. Then I left it running overnight with just Safari open and this morning it was dead.
So at least I know that this is not linked to anything I have installed or any hardware I have attached to the iMac.
11 March 08
Seems like the logic board has been replaced.
Fingers crossed it is sorted...
A fan seems to be running which wasn't running before - have called the AARC to query this.
Watch this space...
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03 May 2008
Spot the product...
Been to see "Iron Man" with Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow. Not a bad film but product placement was obvious. From the Audi R8 he drove to the Burger King cheeseburger he requests on his return (won't say too much in case it spoils it).
Bulgari watch and LG phone and another couple of Audis (S5 [Paltrow's ride] & Q7 [family in peril]) along with F-22 Raptors and Apple displays. Dell get a look in too. Wonder if the income from product advertising actually balanced the production costs....
Add any I missed?...
"Sorry, this is the Funvee - the Humdrumvee is back there..."
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